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The Canadian Armed Forces apologize and thank the people of Mansfield for their understanding

The Canadian Armed Forces apologize and thank the people of Mansfield for their understanding

9 July 2020 à 12:00 am

The Canadian Armed Forces have apologized to the public and to municipalities for the military drill that ended last Tuesday at the Davidson sawmill in Mansfield.

They acknowledged that there was a lack of communication on their part and that this will not happen again. They wanted to thank the citizens for their understanding and for their support.

“Unfortunately, our efforts to fully inform affected residents and local authorities have failed. For this, we sincerely apologize. If we organize similar training in these areas in the future, we will correct the extent to which members of the public and local officials are informed of our planned activities. We thank local residents for their support and appreciate their understanding, “said Captain Jamie Donovan of Canadian Special Operations Forces Command public affairs via written communication.

The training was provided by members of the Canadian Special Operations Forces Command.

Usually, when there is such an exercise, the Canadian Armed Forces distributes information in advance to the public in order to reassure citizens.