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The Bishop of Prembroke asks the faithfuls to keep the churches open

The Bishop of Prembroke asks the faithfuls to keep the churches open

27 September 2020 à 12:00 am

In a message to faithfuls, the Bishop of Pembroke asks that the churches of the diocese on Quebec territory remain open.

“The Quebec Minister of Health advised people to avoid voluntarily all “social gatherings” as a means of stemming the spread of COVID-19.
I would personally encourage you to keep the churches open, unless there is some future directive to the contrary. The Mass and the other Sacraments are not “social gatherings” where people are sitting closely together and talking loudly. Hand-sanitizing, physical distancing, and the wearing of masks at least when physical distancing is a challenge have been effective in ensuring that no outbreak has occurred in Quebec as the result of a church service.
The dispensation from the Sunday obligation remains in effect. Please exercise your good judgment. If you feel sick, please stay home. At this time, I repeat the urgent request that you receive Communion in the hand rather than on the tongue. Let us pray that a safe and ethical vaccine will soon be found. With the Lord’s help, we will get through this” – Guy Desrochers, C.Ss.R. Bishop of Pembroke.