The Armed Forces in Mansfield-et-Pontefract

The Armed Forces in Mansfield-et-Pontefract

24 April 2019 à 12:00 am

The Canadian Armed Forces deployed 45 soldiers in the municipalities of Mansfield and Fort-Coulonge on Tuesday morning in anticipation of rising water levels in the region. The mayor of the municipality of Mansfield, Gilles Dionne, gave more details.

According to Director general of Mansfield, Éric Rochon, nearly 10,000 sandbags were filled by the army and volunteers during the day on Tuesday.

In the Ottawa River Regulation Planning Board’s most recent update, it was mentioned that an additional increase in the flow and water levels of the Ottawa River are expected in the coming days as a result of increasing snowmelt and precipitation of 15 to 50 mm is expected for the central and northern portions of the watershed.

For all requests in regards to spring floods in the municipalities of Fort-Coulonge and Mansfield, residents are encouraged to contact the following numbers:

Mansfield municipal office: 819-683 2944
Directeur général, Éric Rochon: 613-717-1791
Mayor Gilles Dionne: 819-744-1775

Fort-Coulonge municipal office : 819-683-2259
Mayor Gaston Allard : 613-203-0444

A complete interview in English with Gilles Dionne and Éric Rochon is available here.