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The Abattoir les Viandes du Pontiac in Shawville up for sale

The Abattoir les Viandes du Pontiac in Shawville up for sale

20 February 2024 à 9:17 pm

Updated on 21 February 2024 à 9:03 am

The assets of Abattoir les Viandes du Pontiac located at 65 Rte. 148 in Shawville are for sale. According to a public notice from the firm Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton, the assets consist of the building located in Shawville and 4 lots of equipment including machinery, equipment and tools, cold room, office furniture and computer equipment.

For several years now, this Pontiac company, in business since 2018, has been experiencing difficulties with hiring staff and also financial challenges. The terms and conditions of the sale are available here. Le Droit also published this public notice last Saturday. The deadline to submit an offer is March 15, 2024, at 4 p.m. At the time of publication of the article, company representatives had not returned CHIP 101.9’s call. According to the voicemail of Abattoir les Viandes du Pontiac, the company is still operating according to the usual opening hours.

According to the description of the tender request, the commercial building has a total area of ​​9,440 square feet (7,800 square feet of floor space and 1,640 square feet upstairs) and the land has a total land area of ​​217,807 sq. ft. The municipal assessment is $2,374,000. The assets are divided into lots: the machinery has an approximate market value of $635,500, the equipment and tools are valued at $51,000, the cold room at $360,000 and finally the furniture office space and computer equipment at $8,500. The total estimated value of the asset is therefore $3,429,000. The assets can be viewed at the Abbatoir on Thursday, February 22, 2024, and Thursday, February 29, 2024, between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m.

Persons interested in obtaining additional information should contact Mathieu Loiselle at 613-317-2423.