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The 2020 Centraide Outaouais Campaign officially launched

The 2020 Centraide Outaouais Campaign officially launched

9 September 2020 à 12:00 am

The 2020 Centraide Outaouais Campaign officially launched Wednesday. During the launch, which was broadcasted live on CHIP 101.9, Bob Giroux, the President of the 2020 Campaign, talked about the importance of the campaign and the impact they are hoping to have this year.

Due to COVID-19, the year’s edition of the Centraide Campaign will highlight the work of the organization and the people they support.

Many messages from community organizations and volunteers were presented by Daniel Coutu, the host Bob Giroux and Nathalie Lepage during the broadcast of the launch.

More from the launch of the 2020 Centraide Outaouais Campaign will available soon.