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The 2020-2021 season on hold for the Senior Comets

The 2020-2021 season on hold for the Senior Comets

14 September 2020 à 12:00 am

In a letter published last Wednesday, co-founder of the Quebec Senior AA Hockey League (LHSAAQ) and owner of the Pontiac Senior Comets, Danick Boisvert indicated that there will be a hiatus from senior hockey in the region this year. He nevertheless mentioned that if the situation improves and certain public health rules change, a season starting in December could be considered.

In the text published on the LHSAAQ website, Danick Boisvert says that even if other senior hockey leagues will start their activities soon, the situation for the Laurentians and the Outaouais is very different. In these areas, distance and travel costs for teams, in addition to health safety rules also have an impact on ticket sales. Danick Boisvert also points out that sanitary measures and public health rules vary from one municipality to another. For example, one of the cities in the league does not tolerate more than 100 spectators at local games to respect social distancing within the establishment, another accepts no more than 5-6 players per locker room. The owners therefore agreed to take a break.

Recall that last spring, the LHSAAQ canceled the end of the playoffs due to Covid-19. The Pontiac Senior Comets, champions of the regular season, were to face the Forestiers de Maniwaki in the final.