Territorial Development Fund (TDF) – Priorities 2018-2019

Territorial Development Fund (TDF) – Priorities 2018-2019

28 March 2018 à 12:00 am

The MRC Pontiac Council adopted at the most recent meeting the following development priorities for 2018-2019:

1. Support their 2nd and 3rd transformation and marketing;
2. Encourage agricultural diversification activities and technological-economic innovations;
3. Promote and make available agriculture and the establishment or transfer of farm and farmlands.
1. Improve the competitiveness of the forest industry;
2. Harmonize the uses of natural resources;
3. Enhance the natural environment.
1. Support the creation of services, equipment and infrastructures with the aim of increasing tourism;
2. Improve basic and host services and consolidate / improve tourist attractions, including through training;
3. Position the Pontiac tourist and develop the promotion.
Social infrastructure
1. Optimize broadband and cellular internet coverage;
2. Develop public transit and maintain the paratransit service;
3. Promote the services, equipment and infrastructures necessary for the well-being, retention or establishment of families, workers and seniors.
Trade and services
1. Support the development of new products and services in existing businesses;
2. Invest in the search for external entrepreneurs and investors to promote business opportunities;
3. Help create local services and new businesses start ups.
Culture and heritage
1. Promote the revitalization processes, notably through the renovation of heritage;
2. Promote and develop cultural and heritage activities;
3. Create or support development related to the arts.
1. Support resource sharing initiatives;
2. Implement the projects identified in the Development Plan.

The MRC Pontiac also adopted its support policy for structuring projects to improve living environments and the Business Support Policy. The budget allocated to the MRC Pontiac for the 2018/2019 Territorial Development Fund amounts to $ 1,039,192, distributed as follows:
• Structuring projects: $ 200,000
• Entrepreneurship support: $ 200,000
• MRC Operating Fund: $ 126,900
• HR MRC: $ 200,040
• PPJ: $ 85,000
• Marketer: $ 2,500
• Transcollines: $ 32,784
• Tourism Marketing: $ 45,000
• TransporAction: $ 5,000
• Tourist Road Waterways: $ 10,000
• MAPAQ sectoral agreement: $ 15,000
• Investor Attraction: $ 74,868
• PGMR: $ 7,100
• CFDC: $ 35,000
Source: www.mrcpontiac.qc.ca