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Terrence Watters talks private health care, Bill 96

Terrence Watters talks private health care, Bill 96

21 September 2022 à 12:00 am

Updated on 18 November 2022 à 4:34 pm

The candidate for the Quebec Conservative Party in Pontiac, Terrence Watters, was in-studio at CHIP 101.9 on Tuesday morning (September 20) to appear live on our French-language morning show Bonjour Pontiac between 8 and 9 a.m. Following his live appearance, Watters sat down for an English interview in our studio.

He said that he chose the Quebec Conservative Party because as the pandemic wore on, “democracy was on hold”. He also pointed to their rapid rise in popularity.

The leader of the PCQ, Éric Duhaime, has been an outspoken critic of the province’s response to COVID-19. When asked about which specific measures he opposed or supported, Watters said that while he had no complaints about the first six months to a year of the pandemic, but questioned the actions after that.

One of the main policy planks that the PCQ is proposing is an increase in privatized health care in the province. When asked to explain further, Watters pointed to Sweden as an example of mixing public and private systems.

Watters said that his party is opposed to Bill 96, the CAQ government’s overhaul of the province’s language laws, because it is “divisive”.

The full interview with Watters (13m45) is available here.