
Tap and Cork: Creation of an interprovincial tourism trail between the Pontiac and the Ottawa Valley

Tap and Cork: Creation of an interprovincial tourism trail between the Pontiac and the Ottawa Valley

17 October 2019 à 12:00 am

The MRC Pontiac is partnering with the Ottawa Valley to launch a new tourism trail, an interprovincial road that will showcase alcoholic beverages on both sides of the Ottawa River. The “Tap and Cork” trail will be officially launched on Saturday, October 19, at the Ottawa Valley Craft Beer Festival. According to the Warden of the MRC Pontiac, this project represents an example of the collaboration between Québec and Ontario which could benefit to both sides of the river.

In the Pontiac, the tour will include the Brauwerk Hoffman (Campbell’s Bay), L’Ancienne Banque (Isle-aux-Allumettes), the Little Red Wangon Winery (Clarendon), the Pontiac Village Winery (Quyon), as well as Coronation Hall Cidrerie (Bristol).

The MRC Pontiac is also working on a tourism trail project for poutines served in the area, as well as a projects for the water ways bordering Ontario and Quebec. More information will be available about these projects in the coming months.

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