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TAO Consultations: Meeting in the Pontiac on April 10th

TAO Consultations: Meeting in the Pontiac on April 10th

1 April 2019 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 10:53 am

In a press release, the Table agroalimentaire de l’Outaouais (TAO) reminded citizens about the launch of the process for developing the ‘Plan de développement bioalimentaire de l’Outaouais (PDBO) 2019-2024’, back in January. In this perspective, it will resume the Agri-Food Strategic Planning for the Outaouais for 2013-2018 (Planification stratégique agroalimentaire de l’Outaouais 2013-2018) and renew certain aspects to be able to adapt it to the new concerns and realities of the region.

There will be several consultations across the region that will provide an opportunity for businesses and stakeholders of the region to discuss the strategic orientations, objectives and action plans for PDBO moving forward. In total, five consultations are planned across the Outaouais. Participants are invited to confirm their presence as soon as possible by contacting Aurélie Boyer at 819-281-7676 or to

Dates et lieux des consultations :

Mercredi 3 avril 2019 : 19h00 – MRC de Papineau
Complexe Whissell
530, rue Charles Auguste Montreuil, Saint-André-Avellin

Mardi 9 avril 2019 : 19h00 – MRC de La Vallée-de-la-Gatineau
Salle du conseil de la MRC de La Vallée-de-la-Gatineau, 3, rue de la Polyvalente, Gracefield

Mercredi 10 avril 2019 : 19h00 – MRC de Pontiac
Vignoble Petit Chariot Rouge
165, chemin de Calumet Ouest, Shawville

Jeudi 11 avril 2019 : 19h00 – MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais
Centre Meredith
23, chemin Cecil, Chelsea (salle de banquet – salle A)

Mercredi 17 avril 2019 : 19h00 – Ville de Gatineau
Maison du Citoyen
25, rue Laurier, Gatineau (salle Gatineau, 1er étage)
*Le stationnement souterrain est gratuit en soirée.
