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Summary from the municipality of Pontiac for this spring flooding

Summary from the municipality of Pontiac for this spring flooding

1 May 2019 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 10:54 am

The municipality of Pontiac issued an advisory to its population yesterday. A summary of the current state of flooding in the municipality. Here are the statistics they have available:

– The Ottawa River Regulation Planning Board anticipates a 17cm increase in water levels by tomorrow night.
– The municipality of Pontiac remains in a state of emergency and several evacuations orders have been issued on its territory.
– Nearly 170,000 sandbags were distributed. (In 2017, 45,000 bags were distributed).
– Due to weather conditions and to ensure the safety of residents and volunteers, the municipality of Pontiac suspended distribution of sandbag. Bags are still available at the Luksville Community Center. The municipality has reached a record level of water level.
– Nearly 275 residents were evacuated in the municipality, including 92 in Quyon.
– The water pumping station and the septic system are kept under high surveillance, but the systems are fully operational. In the Quyon sector, 352 residences are connected to the municipal septic system and 237 residences are connected to the sewer system.
– Schools: Ste-Marie and Onslow Elementary schools will be closed until Friday, May 3rd, 2019.

It was also stated that in order to continue to protect the infrastructure, the municipality is asking the citizens of Quyon to reduce their water consumption and wastewater by reducing the use of showers, baths or dishwashers. Residents are called to be vigilant given the increasing pressure exerted by water on dikes.
