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Stories from the Land: Indigenous place names in Canada

Stories from the Land: Indigenous place names in Canada

9 July 2019 à 12:00 am

An interactive map highlighting the official place names from indigenous languages or dialects in Canada was released as part of the national indigenous peoples day on June 21st. The toponymy analyst for the Geographical Names Board of Canada, Jean-Luc Fournier, gave more details on this initiative.

Entitled Stories from the Land: Indigenous Place Names in Canada, this interactive map highlights the diversity, history and geographic dimension of place names with over 780 place names in more than 65 Aboriginal languages or dialects. However, the newly released map only has a small portion of the official names across Canada. Regular updates will be made to the map over the next few years as more information becomes available, as explained by Fournier.

Information on the historical names and location here in the Pontiac could also be added soon.

To see the map, click here.

To find out more on the Stories from the Land interactive map, listen to the full interview with Jean-Luc Fournier here.