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Spring floods 2023: Rain over the weekend could raise levels in spots

Spring floods 2023: Rain over the weekend could raise levels in spots

21 April 2023 à 11:06 am

Updated on 3 May 2023 à 9:11 am

In the most recent update from the Ottawa River Regulation Planning Board, released on April 20 at 4:47 p.m., the board states that levels and flows on the Ottawa River are expected to increase gradually and stabilize over the weekend. However, rain forecasted for the weekend may add to levels in certain areas.

“From Chats Lake down to the Montreal area, levels are slowly approaching major flood thresholds. Lake Coulonge levels have already exceeded the major flood threshold,” the statement reads.  “Between Lake Coulonge and the Montreal area, levels are expected to stabilize over the weekend.  Rain over the weekend may result in additional level increases in some locations starting Monday, depending on the amount and location of rainfall.”

The commission also notes that levels are expected to remain “well below” historic levels in all locations.