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Sortir du Bois is recruiting

Sortir du Bois is recruiting

21 March 2018 à 12:00 am

Sortir du Bois is in a hiring blitz for a 20-week program. The company wants to accommodate participants aged 18 to 45 who are receiving employment assistance (social assistance) or employment insurance, or who have no income. Trainees can complete the program in a variety of industries such as forestry, customer service, catering, landscaping and in other industries depending on the abilities and interests of the participants.

Counselor and youth worker at the Carrefour Jeunesse Emploi du Pontiac, Annie Trudel says that the program will help them develop the right competencies and attitudes towards work:

Sortir du Bois offers trainees about 20 weeks of real paid work, which enables them to acquire specific and transferable knowledge and skills, while providing support for their social and professional integration.