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Situation in Campbell’s Bay: 3 houses flooded, road closed

Situation in Campbell’s Bay: 3 houses flooded, road closed

3 May 2023 à 1:34 pm

Updated on 3 May 2023 à 2:59 pm

The Municipality of Campbell’s Bay is advising residents to reduce their water usage and to avoid parts of Second Street and River Road, due to the rising levels of the Ottawa River.

Director General Sarah Bertrand explained that they currently have three houses inundated on River Road, which are being protected with sand dikes. No one has required evacuation, but Bertrand asked that non-residents avoid the area. She added that if the levels continue to rise, roughly half a dozen more houses could be affected.

She also said that the excess water is having an impact on the municipal pumping station, and asked that residents reduce their water consumption. She said that residents’ pumps should empty outside rather than back into the sewer system.