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Shawville Lions Country Jamboree returns this Thursday

Shawville Lions Country Jamboree returns this Thursday

12 July 2022 à 12:00 am

After a hiatus due to the pandemic, the Shawville Lions Country Jamboree is returning to the Armstrong Heritage Farm for the 19th year this Thursday evening. Lions President Ed Walsh explained that they had a full lineup of local acts who are well-known in the Ottawa Valley, as well as a few performers from further afield. As is tradition, the Jamboree kicks off on Thursday night with an open-mic to allow aspiring singers some space on the big stage.

Walsh said that in its heyday, the Jamboree brought in some 1,500 people and almost 300 camper trailers on site. He said in 2019 they hosted 190 trailers and hoped to return to that number of attendees.

Walsh said that anyone looking for more information on the weekend, could visit the Jamboree’s website. Camping spaces are $80/person for the weekend. Thursday entry is free, while both Friday and Saturday passes are $25 each, or $40 for the full weekend.

He said that they were hoping to see some familiar faces return to the farm after a few years away.

The full interview with Walsh (9m10) is available here.

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