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Shawville Fair to return Labour Day weekend

Shawville Fair to return Labour Day weekend

28 July 2021 à 12:00 am

It’s official, the Shawville Fair will be returning at the end of the summer albeit with some minor changes. Pontiac Agricultural Society spokesperson Josey Bouchard said that they didn’t have as much time to plan as usual, which was hectic but the Fair Board was relieved that outdoor events would be able to host up to 15,000 people.

She said that the majority of the events and activities would be returning, including the midway, classic car show and agricultural competitions.

«Most of our activities are coming back, and we have our old classics also, so for everybody it’s a big sigh of relief and we just can’t wait.» – Josey Bouchard, Pontiac Agricultural Society spokesperson

New this year, the Saturday will be dedicated to First Nations in an effort to promote reconciliation. In collaboration with the Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg, there will dancing and likely drumming as well, though the details still have to be finalized.

More details and scheduling will be released on the Fair’s social media and website. The full interview with Bouchard can be found here.