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Several jobs available through CSSHBO schools in the Pontiac

Several jobs available through CSSHBO schools in the Pontiac

3 December 2020 à 12:00 am

The Centre de service des Hauts-Bois-de-l’Outaouais (CSSHBO) is looking to fill several positions. The CSSHBO has urgent needs to fill teaching positions and profiles other than in the field of teaching are sought. The available jobs affect the entire Pontiac territory

“We are starting to have urgent needs for education. We know that qualified staff is scarce, but we are looking for people who can correspond to university or college profiles for teaching positions for certain periods, on an ad hoc basis ”declared the director of human resources, Richard Leblanc.

Other types of jobs are available, such as jobs for people with disabilities and teaching positions. The COVID-19 pandemic appears to have had a significant impact on the retention of human resources. “We have attendant positions for our disabled students and supervisor jobs through our schools in the Pontiac territory, from Île-du-Grand-Calumet to Isle-aux-Allumettes, via Otter Lake. and Mansfield ”said Director of Human Resources Richard Leblanc.

It seems that the CSSHBO hopes to obtain candidates in order to fill the positions next January. The full interview with Richard Leblanc is available here.