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Roger Fleury urges the different levels of government

Roger Fleury urges the different levels of government

4 September 2020 à 12:00 am

The well-known activist to promote the culture of the First Nations and Chief Pontiac
Anishinaabek Fort de Coulonge Kitchesipirini Roger Fleury, sent a letter to the Warden of the MRC Pontiac Jane Toller. He urged the Warden to have the rights of the First Nations recognized by the various levels of government. He hopes that First Nations individuals living off reserve will be recognized and included in the various economic projects of the territory.

Note that an open house will be organized by Roger Fleury this Sunday, September 6 in L’Isle-aux-Allumettes in order to publicize the contribution of the First Nations to Canadian society. The full interview with Roger Fleury is available here.