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RM Lang Farms opening up sunflower patch to the public

RM Lang Farms opening up sunflower patch to the public

28 July 2023 à 1:42 pm

Motorists may have noticed some bright colours on the side of Hwy. 148 in Clarendon recently, with a patch of sunflowers starting to show their blooms near the intersection with Hanna Road.

Kendal Lang of RM Lang Farms explained that the plot of sunflowers would be host to a variety of activities over the course of the next few weeks. There will be a public vendor market on August 4, along with two yoga classes with local instructor Tiziana Rompelberg on August 7 and 14. There are paths cut into the field as well as a swing-set for those looking to direct their own photoshoots, but photographer Michelle Hamel also has professional shoots available on July 31, August 1 or August 6.

Lang said that she got the idea from other sunflower patches on social media and wanted to give it a try.

More information is available on the RM Lang Facebook page or @thebarnsunflowerfarm on Instagram.

The full interview with Lang (5m) is available here.