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Réseau Outaouais BIBLIO responds to closure of Campbell’s Bay library

Réseau Outaouais BIBLIO responds to closure of Campbell’s Bay library

23 January 2020 à 12:00 am

The closure of the Campbell’s Bay library will not be without consequences for the local users, said réseau BIBLIO de l’Outaouais. According to general manager Sylvie Thibault, the end of the partnership between the municipality and the organization will break access to this service for residents in the surrounding area such as in the municipality of Litchfield.

According to Thibault, the municipality of Campbell’s Bay could potentially sign an agreement with BIBLIO Outaouais to authorize users to go to the libraries in the surrounding municipalities. As explained by Thibault, discussions have already begun between the two parties.

Although the decision was not foreseen, due to budgetary constraints, the Campbell’s Bay municipal council resolved to close the library during the adopting of its 2020 budget. Mayor Maurice Beauregard gave more details in an interview this week.

Note that according to information provided by the Réseau BIBLIO Outaouais, the partnership with the municipality of Campbell’s Bay was established in 1969.