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Recipients of the MRC Pontiac Volunteer Award 2018

Recipients of the MRC Pontiac Volunteer Award 2018

12 June 2018 à 12:00 am

Last week on june 7, the MRC Pontiac handed out recognition awards to volunteers in the region to emphasize their involvement in their community.

Each of the 18 municipalities in the RCM has nominated a deserving person, group or organization to give them a commemorative plaque representing their contribution.

Here is the list of recipients of the award, by municipality.

1 Alleyn-et-Cawood Roger Johnson
2 Bristol Nora Findlay
3 Bryson Alfred Manzoli
4 Campbell’s Bay Pontiac Lions Club
5 Chichester Musée de la Calbute Museum
6 Clarendon Dorothy Morrison
7 Fort-Coulonge Gaétan Graveline
8 L’Île du Grand Calumet Association récréatif de l’île du Grand Calumet
9 Otter Lake Otter Lake Recreation association
10 Îsle-aux-Allumettes Sallafranque Henry and Joan
11 Lichfield Lichfield Leisure Committee
12 Mansfield-et-Pontefract Service Incendie Mansfield-et-Pontefract
13 Portage du Fort Bea Thompson
14 Rapides des Joachims Debbie Foley
15 Shawville Shawville Lions Club
16 Sheenboro Groupe Organisateur de la Fête du Canada
17 Thorne Gilles Ouimet
18 Waltham Charles Ethier