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RAWQ may offer payable French Second-language Courses until the Fall

RAWQ may offer payable French Second-language Courses until the Fall

21 January 2020 à 12:00 am

Following the Regional Association of West Quebecers (RAWQ) announcement that the free French Second-language Courses would be cancelled until the fall 2020 [site], the organization has received multiple requests from former students offering to pay for the courses. In the regular segment: the West Quebecers Corner, Linton Garner, the executive Director of the RAWQ, explained how the organization is proceeding with these requests.

Note that, according to the announcement made on the RAWQ website, the courses were forced to be ”postponed due to unforeseen budgetary constraints.” In the coming weeks, the RAWQ may restart the French Courses with a tuition, though, as explained by Garner, the association still intends to return in the fall to offer the courses for free.

More details on this will be available soon.