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Public transit in the Pontiac

Public transit in the Pontiac

17 May 2017 à 12:00 am

Updated on 5 July 2023 à 1:24 pm

Autobus Campeau

Autobus Campeau

A representative of Transcollines presented the latest information regarding the new bus service in the Pontiac. The bus will meet the criteria that gives access to technology and the comfort passengers need to accommodate their work.

The council of the Pontiac MRC authorized a feasibility study of approximately five thousand dollars on the installation of charging stations for electric vehicles in the Pontiac, as well as the addition of a Electric vehicle to its automotive fleet. If the project proves to be viable, the Pontiac MRC could attract more road traffic to Quebec, in order to attract more tourists to the Pontiac. The MRC also wants to reduce its transportation costs, and could possibly offer a local car-sharing service. voiture-electrique.jpg

According to the Pontiac MRC, this project would position the region as a strong partner with the federal and provincial governments in our fight against climate change.