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Press release Emergency measures – Mansfield-et-Pontefract

Press release Emergency measures – Mansfield-et-Pontefract

8 May 2018 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 10:43 am

As a result of forecasts received from the government authorities stating that over the next few days, weather conditions and hydrological forecasts indicate a slight gradual increase in the level with a peak estimated at 20 cm from the current level of the Ottawa River. These forecasts indicate a peak of levels around May 8th and 9th. Levels could remain elevated or increased again on May 10 due to a meteorological depression expected to occur in the basin in the next few days. Rainfall and trajectory forecasts for this depression are fairly uncertain at this time.

The Town Council of Mansfield-et-Pontefract has therefore put in place their emergency measures and a coordination station is deployed at its offices located at 300, rue Principale. All citizens whose homes are in areas at risk of flooding are required to provide the means to ensure the safety of their family members and the protection of their property.

For more information on the precautions to follow in case of risk of flood, please visit the municipal website ( at the tab: practical info / emergencies.

Citizens in need of help or information can always contact the following people;
Eric Rochon, General Manager: Tel (Office): 819-683-2944 Cell: 613-717-1791
Darcy Bélair, Fire Chief: Tel (Cell): 613-401-2607
Pat Bertrand, Fire Chief Assistant: Tel (Cell): 613-401-7925
Gilles Dionne, Mayor: Tel (Cell): 819-744-1775

The Municipality is asking for help from the population to volunteer in filling sandbags or help citizens in need of safe help. Interested persons are requested to go to 32 chemin Lac-de-la-Truite starting at 9:00 am.

Gilles Dionne
