Portage-du-Fort Mayor Lynne Cameron recognized for 20 years of service
Portage-du-Fort Mayor Lynne Cameron recognized for 20 years of service
At the MRC Pontiac council of mayors meeting on Wednesday evening (December 21), Warden Jane Toller presented Portage-du-Fort Mayor Lynne Cameron with a plaque of recognition from the Fédération québécoise des municipalités (FQM) recognizing her 20 plus years of service as a municipal elected official. Cameron received the award from Toller alongside her husband and son.
Cameron is currently in her fourth term as mayor of the small municipality, and prior to that served nine years as a councillor. She said that her inspiration was Gerald Manwell, who convinced her to enter municipal politics and has served 45 years himself. She said that there was plenty going on in the region when she first took the helm, from issues over regional garbage dumps to replacing the town’s water filtration equipment.
She encouraged anyone that was interested to join municipal politics because there’s some great learning opportunities and there’s a lot more happening at local councils than meets the eye.