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Pontiac’s 41st Terry Fox Run coming this Sunday afternoon

Pontiac’s 41st Terry Fox Run coming this Sunday afternoon

14 September 2022 à 12:00 am

This Sunday (September 18) afternoon, a decades-long tradition will continue in Shawville, as the 41st annual Terry Fox Run will take place.

Retired phys-ed teacher John Petty, one of the organizers, explained that he started the tradition along with his late wife Betty and fellow teacher Rick Valin. He said his motivation at the time stemmed from the fact that several members of his wife’s family passed away from cancer, and he thought it was the right thing to do.

He said that he didn’t have an overall total that they’ve raised over the years, but said that they average about $10,000 every year.

Registration starts at 1 p.m. outside Pontiac High School, and the run will get underway at 2 p.m. The route is the usual one, taking participants from the high school out to Radford Road and back. Petty said that those that wish to vary the route have the option of returning along the PPJ trail, though he cautioned that there have been some bear sightings in the region recently.

He added that the following Tuesday (September 20), the Pontiac High School run will take place and special this year, they will be addressed by the provincial director of the Terry Fox Foundation.

The full interview with Petty (7m25) is available here.