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Pontiac Youth Softball League : last day to register

Pontiac Youth Softball League : last day to register

11 June 2019 à 12:00 am

Registration for the Pontiac Youth Softball league organized by the Maisons des Jeunes du Pontiac will take place tonight from 6:30pm to 8pm in the different participating municipalities in the Pontiac; Mansfield-et-Pontefract, Fort-Coulonge, Campbell’s Bay, l’Ile-Du-Grand-Calumet, Otter Lake, Bryson and L’Isle-Aux-Allumettes. It’s 45$ which includes a jersey, equipment, an end of the season gifts, the referees and more. A check must be made out to the attention of the Maisons des Jeunes du Pontiac.

It may be important to note that the age groups range from 4 to 17, and kids above 17 must not turn 18 before June 7th.

All details here.