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Pontiac Sorting Center responds to the Minister of Environment

Pontiac Sorting Center responds to the Minister of Environment

6 May 2019 à 12:00 am

Monday May 6th, the Pontiac Sorting Center responded to the Quebec Minister of Environment, Benoit Charette, about the order to cease all depositing and burying of residual materials in non authorized locations (Litchfield) immediately and to proceed with restoring said land as soon as possible. The answer of the Pontiac Sorting Center stated “we have never landfilled residual materials at the Pontiac Sorting Centre because we do not have a certificate of authorization to that effect. […] We believe it is rather waiting for the next treatment process which turns out to be landfilling in the pure sense of the term, or external disposition.”

The Sorting Centers also mentions the lack of a certificate of authorization from the Quebec Ministry of Environment that, according to the Center, would have given them the required permits to operate their “technical landfill site, to landfill and by the same token dispose of materials that the Sorting centre is unable to recycle”.
More details will be available soon.