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Pontiac Pride Festival rescheduled for September 10

Pontiac Pride Festival rescheduled for September 10

26 June 2023 à 1:38 pm

The second annual Pontiac Pride Festival was postponed earlier this month due to health concerns related to forest fire smoke in the area, but has been rescheduled to September 10 at Esprit Rafting in Davidson.

Erica Ouimet, a member of the Fierté Pontiac Pride committee, explained that with the event originally planned for Saturday June 10 at Le Patro in Mansfield, the group had to make a decision to postpone the Thursday before, when the forecast was calling for poor air conditions due to forest fire smoke.

Ouimet said that the all ages event featuring a free lunch and activities like face-painting and balloon sculptors. More information can be found on the group’s Facebook page.

The full interview with Ouimet (3m35) is available here.