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Pontiac Gardens and Gifts Tour

Pontiac Gardens and Gifts Tour

19 July 2018 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 10:45 am

The Pontiac Gardens and Gifts Tour will be held this year on August 4 and 5 in nine locations across the region. Founder and organizer, Katharine Fletcher, talks about the event;

Mrs Fletcher explains what effects the dry weather is having on her garden and how she and her husband are dealing with it.

This year, four new gardens were added to the list of gardens to visit, making it a total of nine locations to visit.

The Pontiac Gardens and Gifts Tour will be held on August 4 and 5, from 10 am to 4 pm. Signs bearing a logo of a flower and a gift will indicate the routes to follow. Admission is free, but people are invited to donate to the Nature Conservancy of Canada. More information is available via the tour’s website, at or on the 2018 Pontiac Gardens and Gifts Tour Facebook page.
