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Plan for Norway Bay pier repair moves ahead

Plan for Norway Bay pier repair moves ahead

3 July 2024 à 3:38 pm

The plan to repair the Norway Bay pier is in motion, as a proposal from the pier committee was unanimously accepted by Bristol council at their meeting on Tuesday evening (July 2). Following an engineer’s report in the spring that condemned the aged structure as unsafe, the popular community fixture was closed to the public.

Val Twolan-Graham, a councillor and member of the pier committee, explained that they studied a few different options to refurbish it but ultimately decided on a rock revetment, which is where large stones are used to shore up the structure.

She said that their next steps would be to conduct some preliminary surveys, and would be applying to the MRC’s FRR program for funding. She added that it was too early to estimate the cost of the repairs.

The full interview with Twolan-Graham (7m55) is available here.