Phare Ouest obtains the authorization from the Ministry of Culture
Phare Ouest obtains the authorization from the Ministry of Culture
The Phare Ouest organization has received authorization to install a lighting system on the structure of the Félix-Gabriel Marchand bridge for permanent illumination of the bridge. Being classified as a heritage building, the Félix-Gabriel Marchand Bridge should receive authorization from the Ministry of Culture and Communications.
It is therefore the General Directorate of Heritage which issued this authorization. Phare Ouest, with the help of the firm that will be commissioned to install the lighting, will be able to begin the work next summer. The Phare Ouest representative for this initiative, Louis Harvey, has already indicated that he hopes to see the work begin in July 2021.
The French interview with Louis Harvey regarding the Félix-Gabriel Marchand Bridge illumination project is available here.

Photo Tourisme Outaouais