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Pavilion to be erected at Amyotte Park and Pont Blanc beach in Mansfield, available for rentals

Pavilion to be erected at Amyotte Park and Pont Blanc beach in Mansfield, available for rentals

22 February 2023 à 1:08 pm

A pavilion will be installed by the Municipality of Mansfield-et-Pontefract at Amyotte Park for the Mansfield en fête celebrations, before being moved to the Pont Blanc beach. Rentals for the summer months are currently available. As municipal leisure agent Louis Harvey explained, it is possible to rent directly by calling the municipal office or the organization Aventure Hélianthe, which is responsible for managing from the beach.

“The two locations are at the ball field in Mansfield-et-Pontefract and at the Pont Blanc beach. The ball field, from May until Canada Day, then dismantling and reassembly at Pont Blanc beach. So that’s how it’s going to work,” he explained (translated). “Then, the two fields of responsibility for the management of the pavilion, remember that. For the ball field, contact the Director General of Mansfield-et-Pontefract, Éric Rochon, (819) 683-2944 and reserve. Then, there will be a pricing applied for the rental of a day, a weekend or a week. We have an idea of the prices, but I will wait a few more weeks before announcing it officially for it to be approved. I want to be careful on this.”

The pavilion was purchased with large community events in mind, such as the 175th anniversary of the Municipality of Mansfield-et-Pontefract which will take place in 2024. For the occasion, Harvey said he will need volunteers for various functions.

“These are activities that are proposed for the 150th anniversary of the Félix-Gabriel-Marchand Bridge and the 175th anniversary of the creation of Mansfield-et-Pontefract,” he said (translated). “I am still able to launch a call for volunteers because these are activities that require a lot of support. So, you know, I have people who will be interested in participating in these events. It can be project management, advertising, reception, show management, public relations, any other manoeuvres, catering …”

The rental of the pavilion will be open to all, including individuals, community organizations or businesses.

The full (French-language) interview with Harvey (9m45) is available here.