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Owner of Cedar Creek Farm recounts days without power

Owner of Cedar Creek Farm recounts days without power

12 April 2023 à 1:20 pm

There were many farmers in the Pontiac forced to adapt to the extended power outages that hit the region this past week, and Ferme Cedar Creek in Clarendon, a fish farm that raises trout, was no exception. They put some miles on their generator over the 128 hours they were without electricity from Wednesday to Monday in order to keep all their pumps and aerators in operation.

Owner Laura Palmer told CHIP 101.9 that just an hour or so without electricity would be enough to kill her entire stock of hundreds of thousands of fish.

Palmer said that they were going though about eight 20 liter jerry cans of diesel per day to keep everything running and added that it was the longest they’ve ever had to run the machine, more than the last seven years of usage combined.

The full interview with Palmer (6m15) is available here.