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Overview of the Biomass Conversion Center project

Overview of the Biomass Conversion Center project

4 February 2019 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 10:51 am

In its overview of the forest industry here in the Pontiac, CHIP 101.9 met the president of Fibre Pontiac, Pierre Vézina, who is also the promoter of the Biomass Conversion Center project which was identified at the beginning of the decade as a priority by the MRC. To increase the activities of the forest industry in the Pontiac, the first aspect of this planned project at the Industrial Park in Litchfield is a Bio Refinery:

When asked if Fibre Pontiac’s efforts could appear to be in competition with the Davidson site project, Pierre Vézina said he believes there won’t be any conflict, because even though a cogeneration project is part of the Litchfield plan, he assures that they don’t share the same perspective as what is projected at Davidson:

Pierre Vézina is confident to find investors to make the project a reality.

In Vezina’s opinion, the construction of the new CVB project should begin in 2019. Note that in the coming days, CHIP 101.9 will be focusing on finding out more about the financial support of this project.

The complete interview in French with Pierre Vézina is available here.
