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Outaouais culture: 5 proposals to initiate debate on cultural issues

Outaouais culture: 5 proposals to initiate debate on cultural issues

26 September 2018 à 12:00 am

Culture Outaouais unveiled 5 proposals last week for the debate on cultural issues in the region for the next provincial election. In an interview with CHIP 101.9, the president of Culture Outaouais, Céline De Guise, spoke about one of these proposals that affects, the Pontiac, the reality of the border with Ontario:

Mme. De Guise also discussed the growing needs in the Outaouais region.

A summary of Culture Outaouais’ proposals for the next provincial election, will soon be available via

Summary of Culture Outaouais proposals to the Government of Quebec:
set up an Quebec-Ontario council to work on cross provincial issues
provide better support to emerging and developing organizations
raise particular importance to the create and support of museum infrastructure in the region
to devote a portion of the Québec Cultural Heritage Fund to restoration and maintenance of buildings and places cited by municipalities
that the new Cultural Policy maintain and improvement programs for the modernization of cultural facilities throughout the country

The full interview with the organization’s president is available here.