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Ottawa River Regulation Planning Board newest update predicts water levels to continue to rise until stabilizing near major flood thresholds

Ottawa River Regulation Planning Board newest update predicts water levels to continue to rise until stabilizing near major flood thresholds

18 April 2023 à 9:07 pm

The Ottawa River Regulation Planning Board released an update on its projected water levels of the Ottawa River this afternoon (April 18, around 5 p.m.). According to the Commission, water levels are expected to continue to rise today and tomorrow and then stabilize at levels near the major flood thresholds.

“Water levels and flows on the main stem of the Ottawa River are increasing in all locations in response to the rapid melt of the snowpack in the basin. Between Lake Coulonge and Lake Deschenes/Ottawa, levels are expected to continue increasing today and tomorrow, with levels stabilizing over the next few days at levels that are near the major flood levels. Between Ottawa/Gatineau and the Montreal Region, levels are expected to continue increasing over the next few days and remain below the major flood levels. The major flood level is defined as the level at which one or several streets are beginning to flood, with several houses/buildings or neighbourhoods being affected. Water levels are currently expected to remain well below historical flood levels on the main stem of the Ottawa River,” the ORRPB stated in their latest update.