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Number of signatures insufficient, referendum in Mansfield won’t take place

Number of signatures insufficient, referendum in Mansfield won’t take place

27 October 2022 à 12:00 am

Updated on 18 November 2022 à 4:35 pm

Yesterday, public notice of keeping of a register was published by the Municipality of Mansfield-et-Pontefract, in order to allow an integrated project, which grants to promoters such as those behind the Gorges de la Coulonge project, to build several buildings on the same land, without dividing it. According to information obtained by CHIP 101.9, 34 citizens of Mansfield signed the register, 99 are required to trigger a referendum.

The number of signatories being insufficient, the rule changes in the areas concerned are therefore automatically valid. Recall that in an interview granted earlier this week, Mansfield-et-Pontefract Mayor Sandra Armstrong, argued that to build a project of this magnitude, the proponents will have to be sure to follow the rules and procedures of the Ministry of the Environment.