Local News

SQ road safety operation
On August 18, police officers from the Sûreté du Québec, from the Pontiac MRC, carried out a road safety operation on Highway 148 in Clarendon. The police issued over 10 tickets for speeding violations, excessive vehicle noise and driving without a proper license. Two vehicles were seized and one person saw his driver’s license suspended […]
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CJE 2017 Summer School
The Carrefour jeunesse-emploi Pontiac and partner Institut du Nouveau Monde, gave four youth the chance to participate in the 2017 Summer School, held in Montreal from August 9 to 12. The delegation had the opportunity to visit Montreal and to learn more about project creation, speakers and professionals. Two of the participants, Emilie Graveline and […]
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Warden contest becomes a 3 way race
Pierre Fréchette, former Mayor of Grand-Calumet Island, will register to run as a candidate for the position of Warden elected by universal suffrage. Pierre Fréchette confirmed this to CHIP 101.9, stating that he would complete the process after formalizing his candidacy with the Chief Electoral Officer and completing the required training. Pierre Fréchette becomes the […]
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Bouffe Pontiac thanks Carrefour Jeunesse Emploi Pontiac
In a Facebook publication, Bouffe Pontiac wishes to thank the Carrefour Jeunesse Emploi Pontiac who raised $ 256.00 for Bouffe Pontiac during a car wash last July. Bouffe Pontiac thanks the various participants in this activity for helping them fight hunger in the Pontiac. Photographie : Page Facebook de Bouffe Pontiac
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Remembering Bryan Murray
Tributes have been pouring through the National Hockey League due to the passing of Shawville native Bryan Murray last Saturday. The former head coach of the NHL and general manager of the Ottawa Senators, died at the age of 74. Murray was diagnosed with stage 4 colorectal cancer in 2014. Bryan Murray began his career […]
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Martine Ouellet Denounces Chalk River nuclear waste dump site
The leader of the Bloc Québécois in Ottawa, Martine Ouellet, said she wanted to stop the Chalk River nuclear dump project. Despite a visit to the site, Martine Ouellette said she was not convinced that the Chalk River site was the best place for the project. She said that in her view, other sites should […]
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Patro received over $12,000 from Summer jobs program
The Patro de Fort-Coulonge has received support from the federal government through the Canada Summer Jobs program, which provides funding for student employment to support organizations or victims of flooding. From the Fort-Coulonge / Mansfield Patro Suzanne Dazé says that due to the floods lots of opportunities for student were lost this year but also […]
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Vandalism on the cycloparc PPJ
In a press release, the Pontiac MRC described the recent acts of vandalism on the cycloparc PPJ as the last straw and that the Council will appeal to the Sûreté du Québec to enforce the law before a serious accident occurs. Broken gates, drivers spinning their wheels to pitch gravel onto the cycling surface from […]
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Two new programs for the dairy sector
Two programs have been put in place to assist Canadian milk producers and processors for the coming years. Pontiac Liberal MP William Amos posted on his Facebook page on Friday, August 4th. A strong dairy industry and a competitive agricultural sector are vital to Canada’s and the riding of Pontiac’s prosperity, creating good jobs, growing […]
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Municipality of Pontiac: demolition and construction at Quyon Community Center
The Municipality of Pontiac is calling for public tenders for the demolition of the existing building and the construction of a new community center at 2 rue Ferry in Quyon. As of yesterday, the necessary documents have be available on the Government of Quebec’s Electronic Tendering System (, starting August 7 (since Monday). Interested persons […]
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