Local News

The CAQ criticizes the delays of the new call for tenders concerning access to high-speed Internet in the regio
In a press release issued this week, the Coalition avenir Québec criticizes the government for the delays surrounding the new call for tender for access to high-speed Internet. The economic development spokesperson for the Coalition avenir Québec, and Arthabaska MNA Éric Lefebvre believes that future calls for tender will have to be more considerate towards […]
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1000 trees to be distributed as part of the annual tree and forest festival
The tree party is back at the MRC Pontiac. For the occasion, the MRC Pontiac will have 1,000 trees to be distributed for free this year as part of the annual tree and forest festival. The activity will take place on June 1, 2018 from 9 am to 3 pm in the parking lot of […]
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AGM of several Pontiac organizations
Several annual general meetings are expected in the coming weeks for organizations based in the Pontiac. The Pontiac Snowmobile Association will hold their assembly in two weeks, on May 28 at 7:30 pm at the Gavan Hotel in Quyon. Mont d’Or will hold its AGM on Wednesday, May 30 at their office at 533 Baume […]
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Road Work between Chemin Terry Fox and Chemin Maple
Motorists traveling on Highway 148 will need a few extra minutes between Chemin Terry Fox and Chemin Maple. The Ministry of Transport said that road work begins today, and will continue until August 10 between 7am and 7pm Monday to Friday. The speed limit will be 50km / h and the road will be reduced […]
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Projects for Earth Day at École Notre-Dame-du-Sacré-Cœur
As part of Earth Day at École Notre-Dame-du-Sacré-Coeur, several teachers put together several special assignments for their students. Grade 1 teacher Jennifer Gravel asked the students to do some DIY on the subject of the Earth. The students had to indicate through a special gesture they are ready to help protect the earth. Students in […]
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Academic merit ADÉOQ 2018
on May 8, sixteen students from elementary and secondary schools of the CSHBO received scholarships awarded by the Association des directions d’établissement de l’ouest du Québec (ADÉOQ). At l’École des Petits-Ponts, four students received this distinction; Catherine Lasalle from École Ste-Anne, Ashton Dubeau from École Ste-Marie, Gabrielle Pilon from École L’Envolée and Evan Rebertz-Larche from […]
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Disappearance of Denis Cadieux: still without news
Search operations resumed yesterday morning in the area of Ladysmith to find Denis Cadieux, last seen on December 19, before his residence burned on the morning of December 20. Several searches have been conducted to date to locate the Thorne resident. In January, operations ceased and resumed this week. Denis Cadieux is 5 feet 9 […]
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Floods in Mansfield: end of emergency measures
After putting in place emergency measures last week to limit the damage caused by spring floods in the Coulonge and Ottawa rivers, the municipality of Mansfield confirmed to CHIP 101.9 that the council retracted the emergency measures, since the water level has decreased significantly in recent days. Last week, 67 cottages and 19 residences were […]
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The start of the forest fire season: 2 fires in the MRC Pontiac
A forest fire was sparked yesterday with enough intensity and force that SOPFEU step in to help. Yesterday afternoon, the brush fire broke out on Highway 148 near the Wilson Road intersection just outside Bryson. At the time this news report was written, municipal firefighters were on the scene putting out the blaze with SOPFEU […]
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A delegation from Sieur-de-Coulonge to the Grand défi Pierre Lavoie
The Grand défi Pierre Lavoie was last weekend and a delegation from école secondaire Sieur-de-Coulonge was among the nearly 150 schools across Quebec for this physical and sporting challenges. Accompanying teacher from Sieur-de-Coulonge Dominique Bomans says that the students have prepared over the past year for this challenge: The Grand défi Pierre Lavoie is described […]
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