Local News

Misunderstanding between the Municipality of Pontiac and the Pontiac Snowmobile Association
A misunderstanding between the Municipality of Pontiac and the Pontiac Snowmobile Association erupted on social media in recent days after the creation of a Facebook event by the Association, titled “Save The Snowmobile Link From Quyon To Wolf Lake At Council”. The Mayor of the Municipality of Pontiac, Joanne Labadie, summarizes the situation. Joanne Labadie […]
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The Comet’s locker room is renovated with team colors
As part of organizing a new Senior Hockey “A” League in Outaouais area (LHSAO), the team leader of the Fort-Coulonge Comets, Dannick Boisvert, has made changes to the players change room that the team will be using. These renovations can be viewed on the team’s Facebook page. The materials to renovate the room are courtesy […]
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Waste management: negative impact on fauna and flora
Recently, a waste dump located in the Radisson municipality of the James Bay region has attracted media attention across Quebec following Sylvain Paquin who works in the tourism industry, speaking out against the dumps effect on forest and wildlife. François Carrier spoke with Sylvain Paquin: In addition to the interview at CHIP 101.9, articles on […]
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Woman wanted for child abduction in the Gatineau-Ottawa area
The Sûreté du Québec is looking for a 42-year-old woman who allegedly abducted her three children last April in Quebec. She could be in the Ottawa-Gatineau area. Yanna Mavraganis, 42, is wanted for arrest following the kidnapping last April of her three children in Gatineau. The Sûreté du Québec asks the help of the public […]
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Start of strike at the SAQ branches
Yesterday morning employees of the 404 branches of the Société des alcools du Quebec (SAQ) closed their doors to the public around 10 am for a one-day strike. A few employees at the Mansfield branch were demonstrating in front of the SAQ Building, with the buildings windows covered with messages. This first day of service […]
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LHSAO: team changes
Several changes are currently underway for the Outaouais Senior A hockey league (LHSAO). The Shawville Pontiacs team, which, due to a lack of interest from local sponsorships, moved its franchise to Low, Quebec, to become the Central Gatineau Voyageurs. The organizer of the team, Nicolas St-Laurent elaborates. Nicolas St-Laurent however does not close the door […]
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Bonnechere Museum – second Fossil Hunt
On Saturday, July 21st at 10 AM, the Bonnechere Museum is holding our second Fossil Hunt of the season! Join “Caveman” Chris Hinsperger of the Bonnechere Caves on a fossil finding adventure through the town of Eganville. Learn about ancient Ordovician fossils and what life was like in this area millions of years ago as […]
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22 year old from Markham drowns in Ottawa River
A swimmer at Owl Rafting who had gone under water on Friday evening at 6:28 pm drowned. The swimmer was later located and pulled to shore where resuscitation efforts were started. The man was transported to hospital by paramedics but was pronounced dead a short time later. The deceased has been identified as Charles (Chuck) […]
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Road maintenance work in Otter Lake
Trench maintenance work will take place from July 10 to 13 in the Municipality of Otter Lake on Highway 301 between chemin Hughes and Rue Proulx. The speed limit will be reduced to 50 km / h. With one lane be closed from 8 am to 4:30 pm with a flag person directing traffic.
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Canada Day Celebration at Mansfield
Despite the high temperatures that hit the region on the Canada Day long weekend, people still showed up to Amyotte Park in Mansfield for Canada day 2018. Mansfield Firefighters , Sylvain Bégin says that it went well in spite of having to cancel some activities; The main objective of the event is to raise funds […]
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