Local News

Activities at the Petits-Ponts primary school
Parent-child activities will soon be organized at l’établissement primaire Petits-Ponts, which focuses on play based learning actives. The workshops are open to parents of children aged 3 to 8 and will be split into two parts. The first is a family literacy program called “Play for Learning” and involves children aged 3 to 5 years […]
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Centraide Outaouais’ 2018 campaign launch
Pontiac residents were invited to a 5 to 7 to launch the 74th Centraide Outaouais campaign. Eric O’Brien was there and spoke with the President of the 2018 Campaign, former Pontiac MP, Minister of Transport and Minister of Foreign Affairs Lawrence Cannon. He spoke about the role he will play as president of the 2018 […]
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It’s done: Caisse Desjardins des Rivières du Pontiac will be created
The members of the Caisses Desjardins de Fort-Coulonge and those of Chapeau voted in favor of the merger project in order to create a new caisse. Chapeau and Fort-Coulonge caisses general director Stéphane Labine, about the vote, say that all were in favor: Another issue is now attracting attention: the capital project for the Mansfield/ […]
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Renfrew County Fiddlers Pot Luck Supper and Danc
Renfrew County Fiddlers Pot Luck Supper and Dance on October 13, 2018 at Mateway Centre 6:00 to 11:30 pm. Feature Fiddler Dennis Harrington. Admission $6.00 Members $4.00 Under 18 – free
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Delivery of new logistics trucks to the Canadian Armed Forces
The Government of Canada is committed to providing the Canadian Armed Forces with the equipment they need to do their jobs. This decision was made in the context of Canada’s Defense Policy, Protection and Security Commitments. New standard military model trucks will be delivered to them. These logistic vehicles are used to move critical equipment, […]
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CPAWS Art Exhibition in Bristol
The Ottawa Valley chapter Canadian parks and wilderness society (CPAWS) will be holding an art exhibition this weekend in Bristol at the Cider Mills Coronation Hall. John McDonnell executive director of the Ottawa Valley chapter of CPAWS spoke to CHIP about the exhibition : On Saturday, October 6, from 2-4 a vernissage with the artists […]
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3 Pitch Tournament Honors organizers Father
A 3 pitch ball tournament will be held in the municipality of Grand Calumet Island at the Recreational Centre starting on Oct 12. The Key organizer of the tournament, Leticia Lance along with her sister Taneshia Olafson, told CHIP that this tournament is in honor of their Father who had a terrible accident recently: The […]
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Tornado and power outages worries Mayor of Sheenboro
After the tornado hit parts of Ottawa valley, including Gatineau and the Pontiac on September 21, a lot of municipalities found themselves without power and even though the municipality of Sheenboro’s power was restored the Sunday afternoon after the Friday storm, Mayor Doris Ranger told CHIP 101,9 that if the power goes out for too […]
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Pontiac Swimming Pool Project: the example of the Minganie MRC
Pontiac MRC Warden, Jane Toller, has repeatedly looked to existing pool projects in other parts of Quebec, including Minganie, to build on the current project, which should to be built in the municipality of Fort-Coulonge. CHIP 101.9 discussed with the Warden of the MRC of Minganie, Luc Noël, to learn more about the challenges that […]
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CHIP 101.9 BBQ this Thursday October 4th
Pontiac residents are invited to participate in CHIP’s annual barbecue as part of the launch of their fall programming tomorrow, October 4 at noon, at the radio station 138 rue Principale in Fort-Coulonge. The BBQ is free for CHIP members and membership cards will be available for $ 10. Several surprises and draws will take […]
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