Local News

Pontiac Chamber of Commerce General Meeting tonight
The Pontiac Chamber of Commerce will be holding their annual general meeting tonight at the Little red wagon winery in the municipality of Clarendon. The general meeting starts at 6pm and at 6:30, Tyler A. Pirie will be giving a presentation on cannabis presenting the most common concerns and will be taking questions from citizens. […]
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Halloween at Chutes Coulonge
The new general manager of the Parc des Chutes Coulonge, Cyndy Phillips, told CHIP that the Park had a great 2018 summer season: Phillips also said that to end the season, Chutes Coulonge is organising a Halloween party geared towards families and children: The family Halloween party will be held on Saturday October 27th at […]
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National Park Project: Information session in Campbell’s Bay
The head of the National Park Project and owner of Wilderness tours, Joe Kowalski, is organising a public information session at the RA hall in the municipality of Campbell’s Bay next Tuesday, October 30th. Kowalski says he’s hoping for a huge attendance and for an appearance from Will Amos and André Fortin. Joe Kowalski also […]
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A success for the second 5@7 on the management of residual materials
The second 5@7 on residual material management was held last night at the Spruceholme Inn in Fort-Coulonge. The MRC Pontiac’s Environmental Coordinator, Kari Richardson, told CHIP that the night was a success: The next 5@7 will be held in the municipality L’Isle-aux-Allumettes at the Old Bank in Chapeau on November 14th. To register, you can […]
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5@7 on the management of residual materials: Tonight
The 5@7 on residual material management is tonight at 5pm at the Spruceholme Inn in Fort-Coulonge. The MRC Pontiac’s Environmental Coordinator, Kari Richardson, told CHIP what’s on the schedule tonight: Enviro Educ-Action, specialists in environmental issues, will be hosting the evening discussing topics related to waste reduction and composting in rural areas. More details on […]
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Chronic wasting disease (CWD) in deer: no case in Pontiac
The ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs du Québec (MFFP) confirmed that there is no chronic debilitating disease (CWD) in deer in the Pontiac. In order to track the disease spread in wildlife, the MFFP is prohibiting hunting and trapping on a small part of hunting areas, in zones 9 west and […]
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André Fortin: Shadow Cabinet Minister
The MNA for Pontiac, André Fortin, was named Health, Public Health and the Vitality of Regions critic for the Liberal Party of Quebec (PLQ). The members of the Official Opposition will adhere to the new responsibilities at the first National Assembly session on November 27th. On his Facebook page, André Fortin wrote: ” I proudly […]
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What do you think of the Pool Project?
CHIP 101,9 invites its’ listeners to participate in a quick survey on our website: You have until November 25th to answer on the following question: Are you for, against or undecided for the Regional swimming pool project defended by the Warden of the MRC Pontiac?
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Portage-du-Fort: Inspection work
Structural inspection work will take place in Portage-du-Fort, October 22-24th, on the bridge over the Ottawa River at the edge of the Ontario border (Highway 301). Traffic will be alternating during the hours of operation, between 7 am and 5 pm, with the help of flagmen.
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New Secretariat for English speaking Quebecers
The CAQ MNA for Sainte-Rose in Laval, Christopher Skeete, was sworn in last week as the new parliamentary Secretary responsible for the English Secretariat. In his new role, Skeete will report directly to the Premier François Legault and will act as a liaison to the English speaking community. According to Skeete, one of the major […]
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