Local News

The forestry activity revival project at the Davidson site: “Only two millions missing” – Bruno St-Cyr
CHIP 101.9 received an invitation from Davidson sawmill owner Bruno Saint-Cyr to meet him on Monday where he wanted to “set the record straight” and to talk about his project to create a cogeneration plant, which aims to revive the activities at the Davidson sawmill. The site has been shut down for several years now. […]
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Renfrew County Fiddlers Dance and POT LUCK SUPPER
Renfrew County Fiddlers Dance and POT LUCK SUPPER on February 2, 2019 at Mateway Centre 6:00 to 11:30pm Feature Fiddler Kyle Felhaber Admission $6.00 Members $4.00
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500 weekend for the Comets
The Pontiac Senior Comets faced off twice against the Maniwaki Foresters over the weekend. The first, the Comets won 5-4 at home where the Comets. Julien Lepage made two goals and two assists and was awarded the first star of the game. The second was given to Danick Boisvert who made 42 saves on 46 […]
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Jane Toller will meet with the Minister of Forests, Wildlife and Parks this week
During the gathering on the forestry industry, the warden of MRC announced that she will be meeting with the Minister of Forests, Wildlife and Parks, Pierre Dufour, tomorrow for several minutes. Jane Toller also said she was disappointed with the provincial Liberals in regards to the forestry industry, but said she was optimistic for the […]
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Meeting on the forest industry in Fort-Coulonge: cooperative and possible blockade on the menu
The community Anishinaabek Fort de Coulonge Kichesipirini held a meeting last Saturday at the parish hall in Fort-Coulonge to mobilize the population to boost the forestry industry in the Pontiac. Around 40 citizens attended the meeting. The main organizer of this event, Ronald Godin, said he was satisfied with the meeting and he hopes to […]
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Lumberjack Dinner at the Bistro du Bûcheron
The sixth annual Lumberjack Dinner will be this Friday, January 25th, at 5pm at the Bistro du Bûcheron. The key organiser for the 6th year in a row, Jane Toller, in an interview, told CHIP what sets this dinner aside from other in Quebec. While describing the events of the night, Toller explained that there […]
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Hockey this weekend: Comets VS Forestiers
This weekend the Comets face off against the Maniwaki Foresters in a double header. The first match will be on Saturday, January 26th, in Fort-Coulonge, at 8 pm. The second, on Sunday, January 27th, at 3:30 pm at the Gino-Odjick Center in Maniwaki. The Comets full season schedule is available on the team’s website at […]
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Meeting on the forestry industry Saturday
The Anishinaabek Fort de Coulonge Kichesipirini community will be holding a meeting this Saturday, January 26th at 1 pm at the Salle Paroissiale located in Fort-Coulonge to mobilize the population regarding the forest industry. The purpose of the meeting, according to the committee in charge, is to gather the population in order to find ways […]
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Pontiac Carnival activity pack: Rallying the community
Luskville will celebrate its 26th annual carnival this weekend under a new name: the Carnaval du Pontiac, organized by the Groupe Action-jeunesse Luskville, which organizes sports, arts and cultural activities for youth in the municipality. The Carnival kicks off tonight until Sunday and families are invited to come out and enjoy the weekend. The main […]
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Winter clinics to unclog hospitals
Earlier this week, the CISSSO announced the establishment of winter clinics in the region, due to an increase in cases of influenza, gastroenteritis and other winter infections. The Infectious Diseases Medical Officer at the Outaouais Department of Public Health Dr. Carol McConnery explains the procedure to follow: According to McConnery, this month the Outaouais is […]
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