Local News

Inauguration of the new Maison des Jeunes in Otter Lake
Over 60 people were in attendance last Friday, February 16th, for the official inauguration of the Maison des Jeunes newest youth center being offered in the Municipality of Otter Lake in collaboration with the municipality. The mayor of the municipality of Otter Lake, Kim Cartier-Villeneuve explained why the partnership is important for the municipality: The […]
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Forestry work planned for public forest
The Table régionale de gestion intégrée des ressources et du territoire public de l’Outaouais (TRGIRTO) invited Pontiac citizens to an information session in regards to forest management in the public forests. A representative of the TRGIRTO, Raymond Barrette explained the goal of the evening; Among the twenty people in attendance for the meeting, the Mayor […]
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Beginning of secretarial and accounting courses at CFP Pontiac
The Centre de formation professionnelle du Pontiac (CFP Pontiac) secretarial and accounting courses officially began on Monday morning. The director of CFP, Serge Lacoursière, gave more details on these two classes: The program currently has 11 students out of a possible 13 and as for the cooking class, the CFP Pontiac hopes to recruit enough […]
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Roadworks on Thomas Lefebvre Street in Mansfield-et-Pontefract
Slope stabilization work will be carried out in Mansfield-et-Pontefract on Thomas Lefebvre Street resulting in a complete closure of the street between Route 148 and 1 kilometer east of James Street. Work will begin on Tuesday, February 19th, and from 7 am to 6 pm weekly until the March 18th. Users are advised to follow […]
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School transportation accessible to citizens living on the CSHBO territory
An agreement between the Commission scolaire des Hauts-Bois-de-l’Outaouais (CSHBO), the Guichet unique en transports adaptés et collectifs de la Vallée-de-la-Gatineau (GUTAC) and the TransporAction Pontiac was concluded in September with the goal of increasing the mobility of the population on the territory. Citizens living in the area covered by the school board, in addition to […]
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New craft brewery made from Pontiac hops
The Gallicus craft brewery, which is opening soon in the Plateau in Gatineau, makes its beer with local hops from the Houblonnière Lupuline, in the municipality of l’Iles-Aux-Allumettes. The owner of the brewery, Samy Missaoui: The official opening of the Gallicus brewery will be on Saturday, February 23rd, at 670 Auguste-Mondoux Street, Gatineau. Samy Missaoui […]
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Three days of cross-country skiing for ESSC youth
As part of the Skiing at School program, the students from Sieur-de-Coulonge High School will undertake quite a journey from February 23rd to 25th. On February 23rd, the students and their guides will embark on the three day cross-country skiing trek from ESSC in Fort-Coulonge to Parliament Hill in Ottawa. The event organizer of the […]
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Outdoors Outaouais Roundtable: online directory of outdoor activities in the region
The Outdoors Outaouais Roundtable, organised by Loisir Sport Outaouais, launched its Internet platform last Friday which aims to list the outdoor activities in the region. The outdoor project manager for Loisir Sport Outaouais, Charles-Antoine Rioux, gave more details about the project and its objectives: The website, will serve as a tool to showcase the […]
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Annual Firefighter Fishing Derby: Postponed until March 2nd
Due to the condition of the ice and for the safety of the people, the fishing tournament that was set to be held tomorrow, February 16th, 2019, will be postponed to March 2nd, 2019 if the condition of the ice allow it. On the Caserne 18 Fort-Coulonge (Firefighter) Facebook page, they wrote: ”thank you for […]
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Pontiac citizens invited to participate in an evening on forest planning in public forests
The contribution of citizens in forestry planning in public forests is requested on Monday. In fact, the Table régionale de gestion intégrée des ressources et du territoire public de l’Outaouais (TRGIRTO) is inviting citizens interested in forestry management of public forests to participate in an information session on Monday, February 18th from 7 pm to […]
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