Local News

The ODO dresses portrait of toddlers in the Pontiac and the Outaouais
A portrait of current situation of toddlers in the Pontiac and Outaouais was compiled by the l’Observatoire du développement de l’Outaouais or Outaouais Development Observatory (ODO), details of which can be found in the latest edition of the Outaouais Sous la Loupe newsletter. According to the document, the results are lower than the observations made […]
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Easter Celebration in Chapeau
The Chapeau Recreation association is inviting citizens to their Easter Celebration being held on Sunday, April 14th, at the Harrington Community Center. There will be and egg hunt, the Easter bunny, crafts and cookie decorating as well as a pizza lunch. It’s $10 for adults and $5 for children. You can reserve a spot by […]
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Daffodil Month in the MRC Pontiac
During the most recent meeting of the mayors of the MRC for the month of March, the MRC began an initiative in support of the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) giving the mayors and the citizens present at the meeting the first opportunity to purchase a daffodil as a symbol of support for the CCS. The […]
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The Village en Fête will take place in Fort-Coulonge on June 15th
The Village of Fort-Coulonge announced on its Facebook page that ‘Village en Fête’ will be held on Saturday, June 15th. This year, several activities will be on the menu, such as kiosks and games for children. New features from last year will be back including the volleyball tournament and inflatable games. CHIP 101.9 also learned […]
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New clerk at the MRC Pontiac
An announced was made at the MRC Pontiac regarding the appointment of Travis Ladouceur as the new clerk at the MRC. Travis Ladouceur holds a bachelors degree from the University of Quebec in the Outaouais, and previously served as clerk of the proceedings in the House of Commons on Parliament in Ottawa. Note that the […]
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A project dating back to the 80s: Possible bridge connecting l’Ile-du-Grand-Calumet and the Fort-Coulonge / Mansfield community
CHIP 101.9 recently spoke with Hector Junior Soucie, a Mayor of Fort-Coulonge for more than 30 years and partly behind the initialization of the project of establishment of a bridge between l’Ile-du-Grand-Calumet and the Fort-Coulonge / Mansfield community. A project that dates back to the 1980s. He explained in an interview the steps that were […]
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The MRC wants to restart discussions for the possible establishment of a bridge between the Ile-du-Grand-Calumet and the community of Fort-Coulonge / Mansfield
The Warden of MRC Pontiac, Jane Toller, has began making steps in order to revive the discussion about the establishment of a bridge between l’Ile-du-Grand-Calumet and the Fort-Coulonge / Mansfield community. The Ile-du-Grand-Calumet municipal office said to the CHIP 101,9 newsroom it was interested in moving forward with discussions and hopes there will be development […]
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TAO Regional Consultations: Details
On April 10th, Pontiac companies, as well as sectoral and territorial stakeholders from the MRC Pontiac, are invited to participate in a consultation organized by the Table Agro-Alimentaire de l’Outaouais (TAO), to discuss the directions, objectives and possible courses of action for regional in biofood planning. From the TAO, Charles Séguin gave more details. The […]
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About fifteen properties in Ile-du-Grand-Calumet are part of the notices of sale of immovable for non-payment of taxes
A public notice containing sales of property for failure to pay tax has been recently published and is available on the MRC Pontiac website. Designated properties will be sold at the public auction at the Campbell’s Bay RA located at 2 Second Street, Campbell’s Bay, on Thursday May 9th, 2019, at 10:00 am, to satisfy […]
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Budget 2019; Additional contribution for the federal riding of Pontiac
In a press release issued yesterday, Pontiac MP William Amos said he was pleased to announce that, as part of the 2019 budget, the Government of Canada will provide an additional $ 2.2 billion directly to Canadian municipalities through the federal Gas Tax Fund. As a result, an additional $ 1.6 million will be made […]
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