Local News

Update of the flood situation with the mayors Gilles Dionne and Gaston Allard
The municipalities of Fort-Coulonge and Mansfield have begun evacuating some residents in the last hours in the areas most affected by the floods. François Carrier gives an update with the mayors Gaston Allard and Gilles Dionne. A shelter has been set up at Sieur-de-Coulonge High School for evacuated citizens and municipalities are in communication with […]
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State of emergency in Mansfield: Employers are asked to release employees to help with flood prevention effort
Last night, the municipality of Mansfield also declared a state of emergency following forecasts by the Ottawa River Regularization Planning Board predicting river levels as high or worse than 2017. The municipality of Mansfield has said that it will take the necessary steps to ensure the safety of the population. The Sûreté du Québec is […]
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Municipality of Pontiac : New evacuation orders
NEW EVACUATION ORDERS: The Municipality of Pontiac wishes to inform the population that evacuation operations are currently under way in areas most affected by the flood. These protective measures aiming to ensure the safety of citizens currently affect the following road(s): – Bord de l’eau Road – Dion Road – Ruisseau Road – Saphir Road […]
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MRC Pontiac and surrounding area: several municipalities in a state of emergency
At 6:30 pm on Wednesday evening, sixteen municipalities in the Outaouais have been listed as being in an emergency situations via the Urgences Québec website. So far, five high flood conditions have been reported in the Pontiac region. The list includes the municipalities of Clarendon, Isle-aux-Allumettes, Mansfield-and-Pontefract, Pontiac and Waltham. Forecasts from the Ottawa River […]
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The army deployed to Waltham
Canadian Armed Forces soldiers were dispatched to the Municipality of Waltham on Wednesday morning to help with prevention efforts related to rising water levels. In this area, the Black River and the Ottawa River are particularly guarded by authorities, as Fire Chief, Larry Perry, explains: « Le niveau de l’eau a rapidement augmenté dans les […]
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The state of emergency declared for the municipality of l’Isle-aux-Allumettes
Several municipalities in the MRC Pontiac have declared a state of emergency in the last hours due to this 2019 spring flood season. Yesterday, a press release was issued by the Upper Pontiac area, which include the municipalities of Isle-aux-Allumettes, Chichester, Sheenboro and Waltham, declaring a state of emergency for the municipality of Ile-Aux-Allumettes. The […]
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State of Emergency in Fort-Coulonge
CHIP 101.9 has learned that the municipality of Fort-Coulonge has declare a state of emergency. The mayor, Gaston Allard, came in the station to give us more information on the current state of Fort-Coulonge; According to Allard, the municipality has not yet evacuated any residents, but the municipality remains on high Alert. More details and […]
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Pontiac flood watch: The Municipality of l’Ile-du-Grand-Calumet declares a state of emergency
The Council of municipality of l’Ile-du-Grand-Calumet has declare a state of emergency for the municipality due to flooding. More details and an update from the municipality will be available soon.
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Pontiac flood watch: Efforts continue at Ch du lac de la Truite
During another special edition of Les Midis Express Pontiac, CHIP 101.9 had a reporter in the field in the municipality of Mansfield at the sandbag filling station at Chemin du Lac de la Truite. There, he spoke to the Fire Chief, Darcy Bélair, who game more details on the efforts of the municipal staff: Certain […]
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Pontiac flood watch: Five evacuated roads in L’Isle-aux-Allumettes
The municipality of L’Isle-aux-Allumettes, which declared a state of emergency on Wednesday April 24th, gave CHIP 101.9 an update on the current situation of the municipality. That was the Mayor of the Municipality of l’Isle-Aux-Allumettes, Winston Suntrum, who spoke with CHIP at 1:30pm today. According to Sunstrum, the muncipality is currently advising the population to […]
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