Local News

Much more needed than just an environmental study
According to the Ministère des Fôrets, de la Faune et des Parcs (MFFP) it could take many years of studies, analyses and approvals before the municipality of l’Ile-du-Grand-Calumet could see the creation of a national Park in the Iles Lafontaine. In an interview with one of the chargés de projet de la direction des Parcs […]
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Potential land acquisition from the Government
The Quebec Government can only use public land to create a national park but there is a possibility of acquiring privately owned land to be included in this kind of project, according to Alain Thibeault, one of the chargés de projet of the Direction des Parcs Nationaux au Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et […]
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Jane Toller and other elected officials were “unaware” that Serge Newberry owned land surrounding the envisioned National Park site
By analyzing the land and the islands surrounding the proposed national park project site, the CHIP 101.9 newsroom was able to confirm that two of the islands nestled near the envisioned site (lots 3 352 025 and 3 352 026) , are properties owned by one of the members of the MRC Pontiac’s National Park […]
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Police operations to educate drivers about the dangers of distracted driving
Police operations from September 20th to 26th are currently being held throughout the Province of Quebec to intervene with distracted drivers using a cell phone, a portable electronic device or a display screen. The goal of this initiative, as part of the opération nationale concertée Distraction 2019, is to educate drivers about the dangers of […]
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Mansfield-et-Pontefract: Phare Ouest plans to celebrate the Red Bridge
The organization Phare Ouest, recently announced its 2019-2020 programming. They also recently announced an event to celebrate the Félix-Gabriel-Marchand bridge (the red bridge) being repaired for 2021. From the organization, Louis Harvey gave some details. It should be noted that repair work on the Félix-Gabriel-Marchand bridge is currently underway, the work started April 30, 2018. […]
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MRC Pontiac supports local school governance
In the most recent regular meeting of the Mayors of the MRC Pontiac, the Council adopted a resolution to reiterate the importance of supporting the local school governance system and the election of a local Board of directors, particularly in rural areas such as the Pontiac. The Warden of the MRC Jane Toller gave more […]
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Parc National de Plaisance; a Park created for the protection of a species of duck
To learn more about Québec National park , such as to learn more about the idea of creating a National Park in the municipality of Ile-du-Grand-Calumet, the CHIP 101.9 s newsroom looked at another Park in the Outaouais on the Ottawa river: the Parc National de Plaisance. The Director of the Park, from the SEPAQ, […]
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New Survey question at
As of a few days ago, CHIP 101.9 has issued a new survey question on its website regarding the idea of the national park project on the iles Lafontaines. The question is: Do you think, like Joe Kowalski, that it is possible to create a National Park at the Iles Lafontaine without an environmental study? […]
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Équité Outaouais denounces the lack of investment in health in Outaouais
The community group Équité Outaouais issues another press release denouncing the lack of funding in health, in the region. Équité Outaouais’ spokesperson and family doctor, Gilles Aubé, argued that taxes raised from Outaouais citizens finance health care services elsewhere in Quebec: The full interview with Gilles Aubé of Équité Outaouais is available here.
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New for Phare Ouest in 2019-2020
The organization Phare Ouest, which organizes cultural activities in the Pontiac, particularly in Fort-Coulonge / Mansfield, unveiled its 2019-2020 programming in an interview with CHIP 101.9. New this year at Phare Ouest will be the move of the screenings repertoire, which will now alternate between the Fort-Coulonge Golden Age Club and the George Bryson Cultural […]
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