Local News

Sûreté du Québec’s report for March 22 to 28
Here is the summary from the Sûreté du Québec for the territory of the MRC Pontiac for the period of March 22 to 28. The SQ indicates that for legal or security reasons and in order not to compromise ongoing investigations, certain events and activities cannot be included. Monday March 22 • Fraud, Denault, in […]
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The results of air quality tests from the CSSHBO are now public for all their establishments
The Centre de services scolaire des Hauts-Bois-de-l’Outaouais (CSSHBO) carried out air quality tests in all of its establishments and the results are now available via their website.The results were previously communicated to the Ministry of Education as well as to all parents and staff. “It is essential for us to ensure the quality of the […]
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The Sécurité publique des Collines confirms the death of Gaëtan Derouin, 21 years old from Ile du-Grand-Calumet
The Service de la Sécurité publique of the MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais confirmed on Friday (March 26), the death of Gaëtan Derouin, a 21 year old from l’Ile du-Grand-Calumet, who was the front passenger of the car involved in an aciident that occurred on Saturday March 20 on the Chemin de la Montagne in Chelsea. This […]
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The Council of Mansfield-et-Pontefract pays tribute to Nathalie Soucie
Tributes to Nathalie Soucie, a woman greatly involved and appreciated by the community of Fort-Coulonge/Mansfield, continued over the weekend. In addition to many colleagues and present and former students of the Sieur-de-Coulonge High School (ESSC), the Municipality of Mansfield to pay tribute to her on last Friday. “There are no words to express how our […]
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Reactions to the the Quebec Government’s 2021-2022 budget
The tabling of the 2021-2022 budget provoked several reactions across the province. Here are the different reactions collected by CHIP 101,9. The Union des municipalités du Québec (UMQ) highlighted certain measures which should have a positive impact on the development of the regions. In an interview with CHIP 101.9, the president of the UMQ, Suzanne […]
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$ 147.4 million to connect 29,001 homes in the Outaouais by September 2022
There were numerous reactions following the announcement by Prime Minister Trudeau and Premier Legault on the Opération haute-vitesse program, which aims to connect all of Quebec to high speed Internet by September 2022. In the Outaouais, the Minister of Families and Minister responsible for the Outaouais region, Mathieu Lacombe, as well as the MP for […]
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Pontiacers are invited to contribute to the regional plans for wetlands and water bodies
In order to reconcile the conservation of the many waterways in the Outaouais region, four MRCs, including the Pontiac, as well as the conseil régional de l’environnement et du développement durable de l’Outaouais (CREDDO) have launched a public consultation process. Citizens are invited to participate in this initiative which will influence land use planning for […]
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The Flavours of the Pontiac are now available in one place
The MRC Pontiac launched an online marketplace called this week to promote sales for local farmers and producers of the region. CHIP 101.9 spoke to the director of economic development at the MRC Pontiac, Cyndy Phillips, about this new website. She notes that the COVID-19 pandemic influenced the MRC to go virtual with this […]
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9 active cases on the territory of the RLS Pontiac
The number of active cases for the territory of the Pontiac Local Service Network (RLS) is at 9 according to data from the Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux (CISSS) de l’Outaouais. The total number of cases for the RLS Pontiac is therefore at 95 since the start of the pandemic. In the […]
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Water levels of the Ottawa River on the rise, but encouraging data according to the Committee
The Ottawa River Regulating Committee would like to inform watershed residents that levels and flows along the Ottawa River have begun increasing with the onset of the spring freshet period. The Committee cautions residents in the lowlands along the Ottawa River, as water levels can sometimes rise quickly and cause minor flooding. The Ottawa River […]
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